RM Bridge Advanced Wizard Help

Pretensioning Details

Girder view
Transversal/Longitudinal These two options will allow the user to visualize the strand arrangement and geometry in the current selected girder. By switching between these two, the section of the girder and the lateral view of the girder are updated in the drawing above and will facilitate an easier strand input. Transversal view is composed from two sections ENDS and MID which indicates the strand layers at mid span and begin/end of span.
Strand groups table Here we manually input strand pattern for the currently selected girder and direct changes can be observed in the dynamic drawing above. New strand groups can be added or deleted by using the two buttons below the table, respectively: Add group/Delete group, each group is added with a 5cm vertical length increment from the girder bottom surface or the last strand group.  
Type The type of pattern for the strands, either draped or straight selection can be made.
No. of Strands The number of defined strands in a group.
Diameter Indicates the diameter of an individual prestressing strand in the respective group, diameter variation can be observed in transversal view.
Spacing Defines equal distances between each strand situated in the same group. 
Offset For a better strand modeling the user has the possibility to insert an offset that is either positive or negative to the red reference point (origin) indicated in the drawing. This offset will move the entire strand group with the respective value onto the left/right side of the origin point and will allow together with number of strands and Spacing option to have the desired Strand Pattern at the same height.      
Height (Begin/end) Defines the vertical position of a strand group at the beam ends. The value is measured from the bottom of the girder.
Height (mid) Defines the vertical position of the strand group at mid span. The value is measured from the bottom of the girder. It is only available if the type is set to Draped and is usually lower than the height at the ends.
Initial stressing For each group, you may define/change the initial stressing of strands.
Deflection point x/L
Left/right Horizontal position of deflection points for deflected strand, if draped strand type is selected. For example, 0.3 corresponds to 0.3 times the girder length. Symmetric draping requires that x/L of the right point is 1.0 minus x/L-left (default setting). Allowed range: 0.15 to 0.45 for left point and 0.55 to 0.85 for right point.
Sleeve length
Left/right Offers the possibility to input the Sleeve lengths at each girder end. These are end parts of the strands where bound is prohibited (e.g. by grease or duct) in order to avoid surface cracks due to stressing forces.
Strand Pattern library RM wizards allow you to save and re-use the strand pattern across different girders, by adding a name in Pattern name field on the right side of the Pretensioning details window. The basic functionality supported here is that the user can save a strand pattern specified in the grid beside into a strand pattern library, and re-use the pattern in a different file for the same girder ID. Simply type a name for the strand pattern and click OK button to save the current strand pattern to the strand pattern library file. This saved strand pattern will now be available in the list box, and you simply need to load it to begin using this pattern in the Strand dialog box.